Monday, February 15, 2010

Brave New world.. revisted.

I first read this book my sophmore year of High School, and back then I thought this book was very interesting and I remember thinking that society could never be like this. I actually thought that it would be cool if society were like this. I guess I never really understood the conditioning and caste systems that were involved in this book. I must have overlooked it completely. But, now my sophmore year of college this idea is not far fetch at all. We are closer to becoming more and more like this book than ever before. Are we becoming a society where we will be conditioning our societys into the different caste systems. This book was way more complex for me when I was in High School that I never gave much thought to it as I am now.
It was really interesting to me when they were conditioning the Khaki babies, i think were the delta babies, to have a huge dislike to books and flowers the books says, "What man has joined, nature is powerless to put asunder." (pg. 30) This to me shows how powerful this book is, what society is doing to these babies shows that what naturally should've happened cannot happen anymore. Because of all this heirarchy system one person is given so much power to choose the decisions for others, I feel this book has so much power and influence for something that was written in the 30s. Its pretty amazing.